- business projects & their financing

Why should you join us❓

Decarbonization of the economy, energy transformation, environmental protection, modern solutions and technologies – these are the main arguments for, among others, searching for new sources of energy and possibilities of its storage.

Financing, implementation of business solutions and their management in hydrogen projects are the main topics of the Autumn Hydrogen Congress in Krakow. Once again, we are organizing an event where we will create a place for you to discuss and exchange experiences. We want to give everyone a chance and help them get to know the technology and possibilities that green energy and the use of hydrogen in the decarbonization process give us.

Why is it worth attending the Congress

✅ You will meet representatives of companies looking for and offering business solutions

You will gain or enrich your knowledge

✅  You will build new and consolidate existing business contacts

You will learn about development directions and the latest trends

✅ You will familiarize yourself with changes in the law and planned regulations

You will exchange experiences, because it is a fantastic opportunity to talk to experts

✅ Compare yourself with others – maybe this will the beginning of a new interesting cooperation

Spring Hydrogen Congresss 2024 in numbers








Lectures and discussions

What they say about us

Szymon Byliński

Szymon Byliński

Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska
Delfina Rogowska

Delfina Rogowska

Instytut Nafty i Gazu - PIB
Szymon Walkowski

Szymon Walkowski

Rafineria Gdańska
Łukasz Kosobucki

Łukasz Kosobucki

Komunikacja Miejska Rybnik
Michał Smoleń

Michał Smoleń

Kierownik programu Energia & Klimat Fundacji Instrat
Mariusz Koba

Mariusz Koba

BEST systemy grzewcze
Marta Marjanowska

Marta Marjanowska

Wojciech Nawrocki

Wojciech Nawrocki

METROPOLIS Doradztwo Gospodarcze


November 6th, 2024
19:00 – 23:00

BIFOREK, czyli nieformalne networkingowe spotkanie biznesowe

November 7th, 2024
9:00 – 9:50

Registration, morning coffee and time for the first B2B conversations

9:50 – 10:00

Congress Opening

Session I: Openly about hydrogen: Poland, Europe, World

10:00 - 10:15

Opening presentation: why hydrogen is important


Magdalena Jarkulisz, Director of the Department of Oil, Gas and Hydrogen Economy, Ministry of Industry

10:15 – 10:30

Ideas for hydrogen in the EU and around the world


Aivars Starikovs, Advisor & CEO for Central and Eastern Europe Countries, Hydrogen Europe

10:30 - 10:45

Direction – Poland, Europe, World


Anna Jabloniec-Grüger, Green Hydrogen and Decarbonization, Head of PtX Project Development Germany&Poland, ENERTRAG SE

10:45 - 11:00

Project: Hydrogen


prof. Michał Wieczorowski, Polish Hydrogen Chamber

11:00 - 11:15

Energy transformation

11:15 - 12:00

Discussion panel: Zero emission Poland? Why not Hydrogen?


  • Roman Szyszko, Wice-President of the Board, ENERGA S.A. (tbc)
  • Piotr Beaupre, President of the Board, NEO Energy Group


Marek Elert, Manager, Strategy and Market Analysis Department, Energy Transition Division, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.

12:00 – 12:30

Coffee break and time for B2B talks

Session II: Where is the business?

12:30 – 12:45

What can hydrogen be used for?


Emilia Makarewicz, Member of the Board, Polenergia S.A.

12:45 - 13:00

Color matters – the business use of hydrogen

13:00 - 13:15

Great chemistry…

13:15 - 13:30

Hydrogen initiatives Overview – Poland

13:30 – 14:30


Session III: How to finance hydrogen projects?

14:30 – 14:45

Projects financing


Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego S.A. (speaker tbc)

14:45 – 15:00

PPA agreements in the context of the KZR INiG certification system requirements


Dr. Eng. Delfina Rogowska, Head of the System Office KZR INiG, Instytut Nafty i Gazu – PIB

15:00 – 15:15

Profitability of hydrogen production.

15:15 - 15:30

Development of hydrogen infrastructure: project financing and implementation, building a supply chain. Hydrogen backbone case study.


Jens Ole Madsen, Market Director Green Fuels and PTX, COWI

15:30 - 16:30

Challenges of implementing a hydrogen economy.



  • Magdalena Jarkulisz, Director of the Department of Oil, Gas and Hydrogen Economy, Ministry of Industry
  • Tomasz Surma, Director of Regulatory Affairs and Public Relations, Veolia Energia Polska
  • Marcin Dusiło, Project Coordinator for Industrial Transformation, Energy Forum


Moderator: Tomasz Pelc, President of the Board, NEXUS Consultants Sp. z o.o.


19:00 - 23:00

Networking business dinner

November 8th, 2024

Session IV: case studies

10:00 - 10:20

Hydrogen transportation

10:20 - 10:40

Water and hydrogen quality


Maciej Majewski, Head of Emission Monitoring Department (CEMS), Process and Environmental Measurements, OMC Envag

10:40 - 11:00

Hydrogen… and the Polish economy


Prof. Marek Brzeżański, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Krakow University of Technology

11:00 - 11:20

CCUS vs Hydrogen

11:20 - 11:50

Coffee break and check-out from hotel rooms

Session V: case studies

11:50 – 12:10

AI for the modern entrepreneur – the future or the present?

Bartłomiej Siedmiogrodzki, Inspector, Urząd Dozoru Technicznego

12:10 - 12:30

System and infrastructure integration

12:30 - 12:50

And what will the price of hydrogen be?


Grzegorz Pawelec, Director, Regulatory & Market Intelligence, Hydrogen Europe

12:50 - 13:10

And if not hydrogen, then what? – ammonia, methanol…

13:10 – 14:00

Lunch and closing ceremony

Suggest a topic and a person you would like to hear during the event


    prof. Michał Wieczorowski

    prof. Michał Wieczorowski

    Polska Izba Wodoru

    prof. Michał Wieczorowski

    prof. Michał Wieczorowski

    Polska Izba Wodoru

    Kierownik Zakładu Metrologii i Systemów Pomiarowych w Instytucie Technologii Mechanicznej na Wydziale Inżynierii Mechanicznej Politechniki Poznańskiej
    Prorektor Politechniki Poznańskiej ds. rozwoju i współpracy z gospodarką w kadencji 2020-2024

    Wiceprzewodniczący Komitetu Budowy Maszyn Polskiej Akademii Nauk
    Przewodniczący Rady do spraw innowacji w szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce przy Ministerstwie Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego
    Przewodniczący Zespołu Doradczego do opracowania innowacyjnych kierunków w zakresie rozwoju usług metrologicznych Głównego Urzędu Miar
    Członek Rady Metrologii przy Prezesie GUM
    Członek Rady Normalizacyjnej przy Polskim Komitecie Normalizacyjnym

    Stypendysta fundacji Fulbright’a w Northwestern University w Evanston w USA.
    Visiting Professor w Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, Valenciennes (Francja).

    Współzałożyciel ITA sp. z o.o. jednej z największych firm metrologicznych w Polsce

    Inicjator założenia Polskiej Izby Wodoru

    Jens Ole Madsen

    Jens Ole Madsen

    Market director Green Fuels and PTX

    Jens Ole Madsen

    Jens Ole Madsen

    Market director Green Fuels and PTX

    Jens is an accomplished and experienced professional in the field of Green Fuels/CCUS market development. As the MD at COWI, Jens leads the efforts to expand COWI’s global business and drive the decarbonization of industries.
    With a strong background in the PtX and green fuels transition industry, Jens possesses extensive knowledge in both technical and commercial aspects of the industry. Additionally, Jens has also worked in the renewable energy sector, gaining valuable expertise across the entire value chain, from green electrons to the final PtX product.

    Throughout his career, Jens has held various positions within the oil and gas industry, working across different regions including Asia, the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East. He holds a master’s degree in chemical engineering from the Danish Technical University.


    Anna Jabloniec-Grüger

    Anna Jabloniec-Grüger

    Head of PtX Project Development Germany & Poland

    Anna Jabloniec-Grüger

    Anna Jabloniec-Grüger

    Head of PtX Project Development Germany & Poland

    Anna Jabloniec-Grüger, Head of PtX Project Development Germany and Poland at ENERTRAG. Professional with 17+ years of experience in Project/Proposal Management, Business Development, Sales, and Product Development in Energy, Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Industry, exploring worldwide trends for products growth (e.g. green H2). Studied Chemistry at the Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg/Germany and the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin/Poland.

     dr inż. Delfina Rogowska

    dr inż. Delfina Rogowska

    Kierownik Biura Systemu KZR INiG
    Instytut Nafty i Gazu – PIB

     dr inż. Delfina Rogowska

    dr inż. Delfina Rogowska

    Kierownik Biura Systemu KZR INiG
    Instytut Nafty i Gazu – PIB

    Współautor i kierownik Systemu KZR INiG – systemu certyfikacji zrównoważonej produkcji biopaliw i biopłynów, zatwierdzonego przez Komisję Europejską. Audytor oraz  wieloletni trener w szkoleniach z zakresu  Systemu KZR INiG, obliczania emisji gazów cieplarnianych.  Autor ponad 70 prac badawczych, 30 publikacji, 35 referatów na konferencjach krajowych i zagranicznych.  Główny obszar badań to ocena na zgodność z kryteriami zrównoważonego rozwoju, wpływu na środowisko, w tym szacowania emisji GHG w cyklu życia, technologii produkcji paliw i biopaliw silnikowych. Ekspert Polskiego Komitetu Normalizacyjnego w Europejskim Komitecie Normalizacyjnym CEN/TC 383/WG 3 Biodiversity and environmental aspects. Członek Komitetu Technicznego nr 144 Koksu i Przetworzonych Paliw Stałych Polskiego Komitetu Normalizacyjnego. Ekspert z ramienia Polskiego Komitetu Normalizacyjnego w CEN/TC19 – Work Group WG 23 „Specification of automotive LPG and related test metod.

    Tomasz Surma

    Tomasz Surma

    Regulatory and Public Affairs Director
    Veolia Energia Polska

    Tomasz Surma

    Tomasz Surma

    Regulatory and Public Affairs Director
    Veolia Energia Polska

    PhD, electrical engineering, graduated from Warsaw Technical University, Poland, MSc from AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland. He gained professional experience at universities and in energy entities. Currently employed at Veolia Energia Polska, energy utility. He is responsible for preparing market analyses, the impact of regulations on the activities of energy enterprises, and monitoring the impact of energy generation on the environment.

    Expert of the European Commission Intelligent Energy Europe Program, in 2003-2005 member of the international working group Bioenergy within the framework of Baltic Sea Region Energy Co-operation, in 2002-2006 Coordinator of the Polish-German-Danish Twinning Agreement “Sustainable Energy Policy Poland”, in 2007-2012 member of the Energy Policy Working Group Euroheat&Power, Brussels. Former employee of the Department of Energy, Ministry of Economy, Poland, where he was responsible for the implementation of a support system for the development of renewable energy sources.

    Author of and co-author of dozens of publications on energy market, renewable energy resources, energy efficiency, energy policy and reliability of power systems.


    Bartłomiej Siedmiogrodzki

    Bartłomiej Siedmiogrodzki

    Urząd Dozoru Technicznego

    Bartłomiej Siedmiogrodzki

    Bartłomiej Siedmiogrodzki

    Urząd Dozoru Technicznego

    Tomasz Pelc

    Tomasz Pelc

    NEXUS Consultants

    Tomasz Pelc

    Tomasz Pelc

    NEXUS Consultants

    Właściciel firmy NEXUS Consultants, specjalizującej się w realizacji kompleksowych projektów z zakresu marketingu, finansów, zarządzania i organizacji oraz pozyskiwania finansowania zewnętrznego (w tym funduszy unijnych).

    Zrealizował ponad 1.000 projektów doradczych dla dużych i średnich przedsiębiorstw z wielu branż, w szczególności energetycznych, chemicznych, handlowych i logistycznych, usługowych, organizacji publicznych i innych. Do tej pory pracował dla największych firm energetycznych w Polsce i za granicą, takich jak: ENERGA, ENEA, TAURON, PGE, PGNiG, EDF, Iberdrola, SPAC, RWE, CEZ. Angażował się także w duże projekty wodorowe w Polsce, w zakresie dystrybucji wodoru w gazociągach, magazynowania w kawernach solnych oraz produkcji energii odnawialnej i jej konwersji na wodór.

    Autor mapy drogowej dotyczącej wodoru dla jednej z największych polskich firm. Inicjator powołania Klastra Technologii Wodorowych. Dzięki jego zaangażowaniu powstały takie projekty jak „Pomorska Dolina Wodorowa”, konferencja „PCHET” czy podprojekt “Hy-way to Hel” dotyczący wodorowego transportu publicznego (autobusowego, kolejowego i morskiego) łączącego Gdynię, Sopot i Gdańsk z Półwyspem Helskim.

    Marek Elert

    Marek Elert

    Pion Transformacji Energetycznej

    Marek Elert

    Marek Elert

    Pion Transformacji Energetycznej

    Marek Elert began his career in the energy sector in 2009, developing business projects related to renewable gas production at Vattenfall Poland, and later at PGNiG Termika. He worked in a team responsible for the investment and business strategy of the company, as well as monitoring the development of the Polish energy market. During this time, he was responsible for developing business plans in the area of gas cogeneration and other renewable sources.

    Since 2016, he has been working at GAZ-SYSTEM, where he started working on LNG projects related to expanding import capacity for the National Transmission System, including managing relations with future gas customers from both the energy and heat production sectors.

    For several years he has been managing a team responsible for preparing thematic analyses, business recommendations and infrastructure development plans. For the past 3 years, he has been actively involved in preparing strategic assumptions regarding the national hydrogen infrastructure. He coordinates work of the Group 2 in the Hydrogen Agreement project aimed at “Transmission, Distribution, and Storage”. He is also a member of the Coordinating Council for Hydrogen Economy at the Ministry of Climate and Environment. His extensive experience in energy and gas transmission significantly supports the Council. His familiarity with the subject matter and participation in the Hydrogen Agreement enables effective cooperation and the utilization of best practices and experiences.

    Renata Kałużna

    Renata Kałużna

    Dyrektor Zarządzający

    Renata Kałużna

    Renata Kałużna

    Dyrektor Zarządzający

    Partners 🔝



    Honorary Patronage

    Ministerstwo Przemysłu

    Supporting Patronage

    Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Chemicznego

    Misją Stowarzyszenia jest propagowanie i upowszechnianie wiedzy inżynierskiej oraz patriotyzmu gospodarczego, z dbałością o wspólnotę interesów inżynierów, techników i przemysłu chemicznego.




    Firma SBB ENERGY S.A. od 1992 roku prowadzi działalność w sektorach energetyki i przemysłu, świadcząc usługi w zakresie rozruchu, montażu mechanicznego, instalacji elektrycznych i AKPiA oraz kompleksowych prac specjalistycznych. Ponadto, SBB ENERGY S.A. dostarcza szereg nowoczesnych technologii w obszarze oczyszczania spalin.

    • Kompleksowy rozruch bloków energetycznych, optymalizacja urządzeń oraz systemów energetycznych
    • Wielobranżowe montaże i remonty w sektorze energetycznym oraz przemyśle
    • Rozruch oraz optymalizacja stacji uzdatniania wody i oczyszczalni ścieków
    • Czyszczenie chemiczne oraz trawienie instalacji i urządzeń w sektorze energetycznym oraz przemyśle
    • Badania laboratoryjne umożliwiające opracowanie optymalnych technologii dla potrzeb realizowanych procesów chemicznego czyszczenia
    • Projektowanie, montaże i uruchomienia w branży elektrycznej, AKP i automatyki wraz z dostawą sprzętu, rozdzielnic, systemów sterowania w sektorze energetycznym oraz przemyśle
    • Modernizacja obiektów energetycznych i przemysłowych w zakresie technologii odsiarczania spalin i usuwania innych kwaśnych składników gazowych, odazotowania spalin, redukcji emisji rtęci
    • Konwersja kotłów opalanych węglem na biomasę oraz na gaz

    Ponadto SBB ENERGY S.A. rozwija nowe obszary działalności wprowadzając szereg rozwiązań technologicznych ukierunkowanych na dekarbonizację przemysłu oraz rozwój energetyki rozproszonej.
    W swoim portfolio usług oferuje systemy produkcji, magazynowania i przetwarzania zielonego wodoru jak i bateryjne magazyny energii w połączeniu z farmami PV oraz magazyny ciepła.

    Dostawcy urządzeń i firmy montażowe działające w energetyce i przemyśle, elektrownie zawodowe i przemysłowe,  elektrociepłownie i kotłownie komunalne, zakłady przemysłowe, pracownie projektowe obsługujące przemysł i energetykę.

    ISO 9001, SCC**2021, ISO 3834-2, PN-EN 1090-1



    Urząd Dozoru Technicznego

    Media Patronage


    Media Patronage


    Media Patronage


    Media Patronage


    Media Patronage


    Media Patronage


    Media Patronage


    Media Patronage

    Polska Ekologia

    Choose package

    PARTICIPATION + lecture

    7 790 PLN+VAT 7 090 PLN+VAT
    • Promotional price when registering until 11.10.2024
    • Participation in 2 days of the event
    • Access to post-conference materials in electronic form
    • Certificate of participation in electronic form
    • Logo and description of your company on the event website
    • Description of your company in the electronic catalog
    • 20-minute speech presenting your company/services
    • Information about cooperation on social media pm.eu and in the newsletter
    Buy a ticket


    4 790 PLN+VAT 4 190 PLN+VAT
    • Promotional price when registering until 11.10.2024
    • Participation in 2 days of the event
    • Access to post-conference materials in electronic form
    • Logo and description of your company on the event website
    • Description of your company in the electronic catalog
    • Roll-up in the conference room
    • Information about cooperation on social media pm.eu
    Buy a ticket


    3 290 PLN+VAT 2 690 PLN+VAT
    • Promotional price when registering until 11.10.2024
    • Participation in 2 days of the event
    • Access to post-conference materials in electronic form
    • Certificate of participation in electronic form
    • Logo and description of your company on the event website
    • Description of your company in the electronic catalog
    • Information about cooperation on social media pm.eu
    Buy a ticket


    2 790 PLN+VAT 2 190 PLN+VAT
    • Promotional price when registering until 11.10.2024
    • Participation in 2 days of the event
    • Access to post-conference materials in electronic form
    • Certificate of participation in electronic form
    Buy a ticket

    Join us👍

    Or fill in the online form

      Fields marked with * are required.

      1 Dostawca technologii i usług
      2 Przedstawicielem zakładu przemysłowego

      The submitting person

      Company data for a VAT Invoice

      Number of participants*

      Net price: PLN + VAT per person
      Net value: 0 PLN
      Gross value: 0 PLN
      Net discount: 0 PLN + VAT per participantNet discount: 0 PLN + VAT

      Choose conferences or workshops
      Kwota PLN netto
      Rabat PLN netto*

      Participant 1

      Participant 2

      Participant 3

      Participant 4

      Participant 5

      7090 4190 2690 2190 Hydrogen Congress – business projects & their financing Participation + lecture: 7 090,00 PLN + VAT, promotional price instead of PLN 7,790.00 when registering by October 11, 2024 Participation + logo : 4 190,00 PLN + VAT, promotional price instead of PLN 3,290.00 when registering by October 11, 2024 Participation + logo : 2 690,00 PLN + VAT, promotional price instead of PLN 3,290.00 when registering by October 11, 2024 Participation: 2 190,00 PLN + VAT, promotional price instead of PLN 2,790.00 when registering by October 11, 2024
      • Congress will be conducted in Polish and English.
      • The cost of participation in Congress in the +logo promotion and +lecture packages is valid for the first registered person, the cost of participation for each additional person is equal to the cost of participation in the STATIONARY package.
      • The above Congress fee does not include the cost of booking accommodation.
      • Submitting an application is also an obligation to pay.
      • Sending the completed application form constitutes the conclusion of an agreement between powermeetings.eu and the Applicant.
      • Confirmation of the registered participant’s registration will be sent together with a proforma invoice to the provided address e-mail within 2-3 business days from the date of receipt of the application form.
      • Please make the payment no later than before the start of the Congress to the account: powermeetings.eu, Al. Jerozolimskie 27, 00-508 Warszawa; NIP 952-139-65-83; MBANK S.A. 56 1140 2004 0000 3502 7600 2231
      • A VAT invoice will be issued on the day of the event and sent by e-mail to the address provided below.
      • People canceling their participation 14 days before Congress will receive a refund of the fee paid. We refund 50% of the fee to those who withdraw 13-7 days before Congress. We do not accept cancellations of participation in the meeting 6 days before Congress and later.
      • Instead of the registered person, another company employee may participate in the event. A change of participant must be reported no later than 3 days before Congress and must be approved by powermeetings.eu.
      • Resignation from participation in Congress must be made in writing. Lack of payment does not mean resignation from participation.
      • Failure to cancel your application and not take part in Congress does not constitute resignation from participation and will result in charging the full costs of participation.
      • Statutory interest is due for late payment of powermeetings.eu.
      • powermeetings.eu reserves the right to make changes to Congress program and, in special cases, to change the location and date. In such a case, the participant is not entitled to compensation from powermeetings.eu.
      • If Congress does not take place for reasons beyond the control of powermeetings.eu, or the so-called force majeure, the Participant is not entitled to compensation or refund of any fees related to participation in Congress. Only the participation fee is refundable.
      • powermeetings.eu reserves the exclusive right to make changes to the Regulations. The changes do not require justification.
      • powermeetings.eu reserves the right to refuse to accept an application for participation without giving a reason.

      Join us👍

      Or fill in the online form

        Fields marked with * are required.

        1 Dostawca technologii i usług
        2 Przedstawicielem zakładu przemysłowego

        The submitting person

        Company data for a VAT Invoice

        Number of participants*

        Net price: PLN + VAT per person
        Net value: 0 PLN
        Gross value: 0 PLN
        Net discount: 0 PLN + VAT per participantNet discount: 0 PLN + VAT

        Choose conferences or workshops
        Kwota PLN netto
        Rabat PLN netto*

        Participant 1

        Participant 2

        Participant 3

        Participant 4

        Participant 5

        7090 4190 Hydrogen Congress – business projects & their financing Participation + lecture: 7 090,00 PLN + VAT, promotional price instead of PLN 7,790.00 when registering by October 11, 2024 Participation + logo : 4 190,00 PLN + VAT, promotional price instead of PLN 3,290.00 when registering by October 11, 2024
        • Congress will be conducted in Polish and English.
        • The cost of participation in Congress in the +logo promotion and +lecture packages is valid for the first registered person, the cost of participation for each additional person is equal to the cost of participation in the STATIONARY package.
        • The above Congress fee does not include the cost of booking accommodation.
        • Submitting an application is also an obligation to pay.
        • Sending the completed application form constitutes the conclusion of an agreement between powermeetings.eu and the Applicant.
        • Confirmation of the registered participant’s registration will be sent together with a proforma invoice to the provided address e-mail within 2-3 business days from the date of receipt of the application form.
        • Please make the payment no later than before the start of the Congress to the account: powermeetings.eu, Al. Jerozolimskie 27, 00-508 Warszawa; NIP 952-139-65-83; MBANK S.A. 56 1140 2004 0000 3502 7600 2231
        • A VAT invoice will be issued on the day of the event and sent by e-mail to the address provided below.
        • People canceling their participation 14 days before Congress will receive a refund of the fee paid. We refund 50% of the fee to those who withdraw 13-7 days before Congress. We do not accept cancellations of participation in the meeting 6 days before Congress and later.
        • Instead of the registered person, another company employee may participate in the event. A change of participant must be reported no later than 3 days before Congress and must be approved by powermeetings.eu.
        • Resignation from participation in Congress must be made in writing. Lack of payment does not mean resignation from participation.
        • Failure to cancel your application and not take part in Congress does not constitute resignation from participation and will result in charging the full costs of participation.
        • Statutory interest is due for late payment of powermeetings.eu.
        • powermeetings.eu reserves the right to make changes to Congress program and, in special cases, to change the location and date. In such a case, the participant is not entitled to compensation from powermeetings.eu.
        • If Congress does not take place for reasons beyond the control of powermeetings.eu, or the so-called force majeure, the Participant is not entitled to compensation or refund of any fees related to participation in Congress. Only the participation fee is refundable.
        • powermeetings.eu reserves the exclusive right to make changes to the Regulations. The changes do not require justification.
        • powermeetings.eu reserves the right to refuse to accept an application for participation without giving a reason.

        Partners of the spring Congress edition🔝



        We meet in November 2024

        at the Autumn Hydrogen Congress

        in Cracow, Poland *


        After registration, participants receive location details
        and tips for accommodation booking.

        Questions ❓ Please contact us 😀

          What else do we organize❓

          jolanta.szczepaniak@powermeetings.eu, renata.kaluzna@powermeetings.eu Hydrogen Congress – business projects & their financing

          You are interested in participating in the
          Hydrogen Congress
          Do you want to know more before you meet us on November 7 & 8 in Cracow
          Leave your contact details, I will call you back and together we will check whether this event is for you❗

          Speak soon, Renata Kałużna, powermeetings.eu

            * required fields