16th CIJ Awards Poland 2017, 9th November 2017
Airport Hotel Okęcie****, Warsaw, Poland
Become a Member of our Online Jury Voting Committee:
- You will evaluate over 150 projects in 37 categories
- This equals about 1 hour on evaluating, rating and commenting, all from the comfort of your home or office (online system). Please be aware that no travel is needed
- The task of the Jury member is to function as a qualifier separating the unique, from the good
Learn more and join our Online Jury Voting Committee:
Special offer for Online Jury Voting Committee Members: extra 10% discount
on Awards Gala Dinner ticket!
For more information about CIJ Awards Poland 2017 check our website:
For more information, nominations and sponsorship opportunities contact us:
Renata Kałużna, renata.kaluzna@powermeetings.eu, +48 603 386 917
Robert Fletcher, fletcher@cijeurope.com, +48 506 074 042